bpha retains highest regulatory ratings

bpha has retained the highest regulatory ratings a housing association can achieve following a recent in-depth assessment (IDA) by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH).

bpha was rated a G1 for governance and V1 for financial viability, reflecting the regulator’s assurance on the way we are governed and managed, and our financial stability.

Kevin Bolt, bpha’s Chief Executive, said: “We are delighted that our top rating has been retained. It reflects our financial strength and the sound governance we have in place to ensure we can deliver our objectives and our corporate strategy.

“It also reflects the hard work and commitment of our Board and employees to deliver excellent services to our customers and more homes for those in need.”

The ratings retention follows the recent reaffirmation of bpha’s long-term credit outlook of A+ (negative) by Standard & Poor’s, and the appointment of Julian Pearce as its new Chief Financial Officer in October.
